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personal statement

Clay is my creative medium. I believe that everyone comes from the clay and eventually returns to it. In addition, mud is a substance that we come into contact with every day in our daily lives.

For a long time in history the power of women has been weakened, when did the cult of women start to fade away? I would like to reformulate the cult of the female. I have always considered earth and water to be feminine. So, I used clay to explore the feminine. The 'Great Circle' is an important element in my work. In the Great Mother Goddess, the Great Circle is everything in the universe, it contains everything and everything revolves around it, it is the womb that created the world. It is the ocean, the cave, nature, and the endless sea. It is also an important symbol of motherhood, from which the baby is born and from which life is reborn. The vessel nurtures everything and everything revolves around the Great Circle." Through my work, I want to reinterpret the meaning of feminine energy.Collage is also an important part of my work.

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